Popular Chinese Takeaway/Restaurant
---Europe/Annalong, Co Down, Northern IrelandFinancials
- Price: $181,181
- Gross Income: $267,590
- Cash Flow: $0
- FFE: $0
- Inventory: $0
- Real Estate Value: $0
- Source Data:
About the Business
- Listing ID: #AC355
- Year Established: 1990
- Financing:
- Training:
- Facilities:
- Competition:
- Growth:
- Employees:
Property Descriptions
Popular Chinese Takeaway/Restaurant Ref. AC355 Location : Annalong, Co Down, Northern Ireland Asking Price : £ 130,000 First established in the late 1990’s, this popular Chinese takeaway/restaurant is situated in a quaint village in Northern Ireland. The business principally trades as a takeaway, but offers a dine-in restaurant service offering a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. The vendors have been praised for their outstanding service and fresh, quality food. Currently the vendors take a hands-on approach and are involved in the daily running of the business. As a result, the business enjoys high levels of repeat business and has received excellent word-of-mouth recommendations. At present, there are 3 full-time and 3 part-time employees. Wednesday – Sunday 17:00 – 23:00
Business Listed By
Andrew Hudson Ickenham House, 2-4 High Road, Middlesex, UB10 8LJ , ---Europe, Ickenham
- E-mail : enquiries@turnerbutler.co.uk
- Web : https://www.turnerbutler.co.uk
- Phone : 01895 25 6000
- Company : Turner Butler
- Listings : 109